Friday, March 23, 2007

News from Korea

We made it to Korea! Our original flight to Chicago go cancelled so we were rerouted to Dallas and flew from there to Seoul. By the time we made it to Seoul we had been awake 24 hours straight. I think we each dozed on the jet maybe 1-2 hours each. It was so hard to sleep because we were so excited!
It's noon on Saturday here. We get to meet Emalee on Monday at 10 a.m. (Sunday at 8 p.m. Missouri time). Today we went to the adoption agency she's been cared through (Eastern Social Welfare Society). We each got to go to the baby nursery and hold and feed babies. Heather got to hold a girl and she looked a lot like Emalee's referral picture. It was a very emotional time! Brian got to hold a boy. Both babies were so sweet and couldn't have been much older than a couple weeks. There are about 25 babies in the nursery waiting for a home. Very heart breaking. The nursery workers remembered Emalee after we showed her picture to them.
We went to the Hyundai Dept. store awhile ago. It's very high dollar. We also found 7-11, Outback steak house, KFC, Pizza Hut, Dunkin' Donuts, etc. I don't think we'll starve. Everything around here smells like kimchi and isn't setting well with Heather's sense of smell.
Well, we're very tired. We'll write as much as we can. Thanks for the prayers!
Brian and Heather


rachel said...

SO thankful you guys made it safe. The smell is weird isn't it? Have a great day tomorrow and I can't wait to see Emalee!

Anonymous said...

Im so gald you and Brian made it there!!! What a nightmare having to go all to dallas first--if only you had known you could have left with Tricia!

Yes that smell is something else-lol!! You know it's time to come home when a) you don't seem to notice it so much and b)you start thinking there is nothing wrong with it when you do notice it!!!
Have a wonderful time and I'll be waiting Sunday night for an update about Miss Emalee!

Anonymous said...

Hi kids, sure is good to hear from you and to know all is well. Boy what a long flight! The boys are fine they really enjoyed your e-mail to them. I know you cant wait to meet Emalee, Enjoy her and then hurry home with her as we all share in your excitement and cant wait to meet Miss Emalee. Lv Dad

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear from you guys. I am so happy for you and can't wait for you to come home with my new Niece...I mean your new Daughter. Looking forward to seeing all three of you on Tuesday. Praying for a safe trip and return home.