Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Oh What a Beautiful Morning!!!

What a lovely day we're having. I've been so happy to have sunshine and mild temperatures around here lately. It really perks me up. I've actually washed, dryed and put away (that's the amazing part) 4 loads of laundry today. I've thoroughly cleaned my bathroom and kitchen, dusted the basement, windexed windows (even in the basement) and loaded and unloaded the dishwasher. I must say that I'm impressed with myself!

Of couse, I have some motivation. I'm having a jewelry party here tomorrow night (feel free to come if you like at 6:30 p.m.) and my family over Friday night. I always get more done when I have a good reason to do it.

Yesterday I went on a field trip with Jacob's class. We went on a nature hike at Ritter Spring's Park. I put Emalee in the Ergo (baby carrier) and she fell asleep the whole time we hiked! Jacob really enjoyed showing off his new baby sister too.

David's summer baseball league has their first game tomorrow night. He's really excited about playing again. They had 2 weeks off and he's ready to get back into the action!

We're all ready for school to be out! David is going to have a math tutorer this summer. We're really hoping that this will be a postive thing for him. His tutorer is very excited to work with him and seems to really want to help make thing "click" for him. Jacob and I are going to work on some math while David is tutoring.

The trampoline safety net is up and we'll be putting the pool up in a couple of weeks! I'm really looking forward to a fun summer with my kiddos!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Sounds like a bunch O' fun! Our pool opened and I am going to make the boys go almost everyday so they will get out a bit. I can see it from my deck and they are finally old enough and good enough swimmers to go alone. Good to see you last week! Luv ya!