Thursday, May 10, 2007

Picture of my kiddos!!!

If you'll scroll down to the bottom of this page you'll see a new picture of the kids that I just got back from JC Penney.

Well, David left for Jeff. City at 7 a.m. and was so excited that he could hardly contain himself. I think he's more excited about riding on the Grey Hound bus then actually touring the capitol city. : - ) Jacob seemed to be starting a cold this morning and Emalee is still sick too.

Brian & I are going out on a date tomorrow night. It seems like every time we have a date planned one of the kids gets sick! We've had to cancel our last 2 dates because of this. Ugh! Anyway, I guess that's life!


Laura said...

Beautiful! But aren't you afraid Mom will see them before Mother's day?

Anonymous said...

SEE!!!! She does look like me!!