Monday, July 30, 2007

Wound up like an 8 day clock!

So, here's the scoop on the last two weeks of our lives...

The weekend of the 21st we took a little mini-vacation to Branson. We stayed at a friend's condo and really had a great time. It was nice to just leave all of our responsibilities behind and to abandon the everyday grind for awhile.
We went to Celebration City and Predator World. Celebration City was a lot of fun. I rode several roller coasters with the boys while Brian observed from the ground with Emalee. I love roller coasters! Brian would rather not have anything to do with them! Predator World was just O.K. It just wasn't what we were all hoping it would be. It was like a regular zoo except they have a few sharks and sting rays. It was way too expensive for what it was.
We played mini-golf and swam a lot too! I think the boys enjoyed swimming the most! Even Emalee swam. She loves playing in the water!

We got back from our vacation last Sunday and the following Monday morning David went to Baptist Hill for Boy's camp. He was gone Monday-Friday afternoon. He had a great week and can't wait to go back next year.

While we were in Branson Jacob had a lot of asthma problems. He's struggled with his asthma for several days now so we decided we'd better get him checked out. David's allergies are yucky too, so we took both of them to the Dr. this past weekend. Jacob was very close to having pneumonia and David has some major sinus allergies. So, Jacob was put on prednisone and flonase along with an increase in his albuterol and flovent. He also has an antibiotic. David just has to take some flonase.

For those of you that have had experience with albuterol....pray for us!!! Jacob is wound up like an 8 day clock! He's sooooo hyper!!!! He's taking 2-4 puffs every 4 hours!!! On top of that the prednisone is making him CRANKY!!! Tomorrow he gets to go to every 6 hours and maybe he'll start calming down by then.

I think Emalee is starting to get a cold too. She's just finishing up her antibiotic for an ear infection, but last night started a runny nose and sneezing and just hasn't been herself today.

WARNING: Major venting just ahead....
Did I mention that the VCR downstairs went out? We've had it since we were married so it's about time....BUT...the DVD/VCR player upstairs went out AND if that wasn't enough my dishwashwer bit the dust too! Why do things like this always happen in 2's or 3's???


Laura said...

I hope the kids feel better soon! Sorry to hear about the misfortune of the VCR/DVD/Dishwasher! Are they all o the same circuit(sp)? I am glad you were all able to get away for a while. We are getting ready to do that here at my house too. So, basically, are you saying, stay away from Predator World? Sounds like a rip off to me! Way to go on staying grounded Brian! That is where I like my feet! Firmly planted on the ground!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

have had personal experience with albuterol when I was smoking! Albuterol made me so jumpy and high strung! Has it affected sleep? Sure did me. And as for smoking Yes....stupid is as stupid does! Smoking and having to use an inhaler to combat copd. Thank Jesus for freeing me from nicotene and my own willfullness in that addiction! I agree Brian is right to stay on the ground! Girl you have my admiration! Sorry about your appliances going crazy! Our fridge went out last week but Sears did a good repair job-free due to warranty thank goodness. Something called a control board. Will stay away from Predator World and spend time at another more worthwhile adventure! Poor Emalee and her little ears! Hug her big for me ok?Love you guys all! Auntie Dearest