Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My Tribute & FYI

Hats off to my fabulous sister, Laura, who knows exactly what to do in order for my blog to run smoothly! She helped me get my pictures where they're supposed to go so that you all don't have to scroll to the bottom of the screen anymore! Yeah!

FYI, it has been brought to my attention that dryer sheets such as Bounce, clean soap scum from shower walls. I've not tried this yet, but thought that I'd give it a whirl next time I clean. I do know from personal experience that Mr. Clean Magic Erasers do a marvelous job at cleaning soap scum from the tub and shower walls as well. Happy cleaning!!!


Laura said...

Aww.. Thanks Heather, but you do a terrific job. There are just a couple things I will show you in 2 weeks when I get there. No biggie at all. Now, the last time I used Mr. Clean erasers, they dissolved! Is that normal or did I get a bad batch? Let us know about those dryer sheets too. I use liquid fab softner, but it just might be worth getting some sheets! Thanks for the advice!

Anonymous said...

Yahoo an update! Thanks Heather!! How are the Billy Goat Gruff's doing? :)
Auntie Dearest

Anonymous said...

p.s. I've found that the cheap dryer sheets from Dollar General work as well as the more costly brand name sheets for cleaning soap scum.
Auntie Dearest

Heather said...

The Billy Goat Gruff's are doing just fine. I've seen them in a fence in someone else's back yard, so they must belong to them. No Troll as of yet!

Anonymous said...

Re: dryer sheets to clean tub. Heidi did this and found it made the tub VERY slippery. be careful if you have bad backs or hips. Mom