Friday, September 28, 2007

Home 6 months!!!...and our last 2 weeks

We've done a lot of things in the last couple of weeks, so I thought I'd give an update...

Happy Birthday David! My oldest baby celebrated his 12th birthday! He was surprised that we actually got him what he asked for...a Nintendo DS. We thought that we'd have trouble w/him wanting to play it all of the time, but he's actually surprised us and has done really well managing his time wisely.
David has also started using his bow on the violin this week. He's excited to be able to do that instead of plucking the strings. He's can play the "D" scale, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", and a Folk Song.

Jacob is doing well in school. He's an excellent speller...makes an "A" on every spelling test and doesn't even have to study. He's made many new friends and seems to be enjoying the year. He's working on addition and subtraction.

We celebrated Emalee being home 6 months yesterday!!!! She has started to army crawl, clap and wave bye-bye. She's also started to sit up from a laying down position. We bought a baby gate for the stairway that Brian is installing this weekend. She's eating baby food much better and will eat Cheerios.

Tonight I'm going on a date with David and Jacob. We're going to High Street Bapt. Church to see "Bible Man Live!" The boys don't even know yet...I'm just going to surprise them. We're going with a friend of mine and her 3 boys. It'll be so much fun! Brian and Emalee are going to stay home and have have some Daddy/Emalee time. I think they were going to try ice cream together.

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