Monday, February 18, 2008

The Heavenly Perspective

This past month has been extremely difficult as we said "good-bye" to three different loved ones. Two of these departures were somewhat expected, an old neighbor friend that I grew up with since I was 7 months old and a beloved grandpa that fought Parkinson's with much dignity. The other was a complete surprise, a 47 year old deacon at our church that had a massive heart attack. All three men are in the presence of our Lord today!

Of course, things like this make a person stop and evaluate their own life. I've done just that. The one thing that I'll walk away with from this is that TIME really does matter. How we spend our time, who we spend it with, what we do with it. If you're a Christian then the one thing that we're put on this earth to do is to glorify God**. Is that what your TIME says about you? Most of us would think that we should spend more TIME with our loved ones, family, friends, etc. But how many of us would think that we should spend more TIME with God? Yes, other people are important, so don't read this wrong, but in the end developing our relationship with our eternal Savior out weighs all of the rest! When I enter His presence I want Him to know me, but more importantly, I want to already know Him! Give Him some of your TIME today!

** Romans 11:36
Everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory.
Proverbs 16:4
The Lord has made everything for his own purposes.


Anonymous said...

Very nice!


Jill said...

Thank you, That is so true.

Jill K from Dillon