Thursday, August 14, 2008

Here's a photo of Brian, David, Jacob and Emalee at Kennedy Space Center this summer.
The boys started back to school this week. They're glad to be back with their friends and I'm pretty sure that, even though they would never admit this, they're glad to have some structure too! They've both been really great to come home and get their homework done without a fight so far. Hopefully, it'll go this way the rest of the school year.

Last week we finished putting the river rock and landscaping rocks down in front of our house. Now we just need to buy some kind of bushes to put out too. It really looks a lot better than having nothing there! Emalee's really enjoying the river rock too! When outside her favorite thing to do is to take the rocks out and throw them on the sidewalk. We'll have to break her from doing that eventually, but right now it isn't so bad. She's actually pretty good at picking them up and putting them back where they belong.

I'm taking a break from babysitting this school year. I know I've said that before but I'm really going to try and stick to it this time. There's a lot of things that I need to take the time to do plus I'll be able to volunteer at the boys' school more too. I actually get credit toward the boys tuition when I volunteer so that really makes it worth doing! Also, I'm having problems with my Hypereosinophilic Gastritis again and have several doctor appointments so I really don't have a lot of time to babysit, nor do I feel like it. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to spending some one-on-one time with Emalee this school year. I think it will be beneficial for her too.

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