Monday, December 8, 2008

More coupon savings......

I can't help it, I have to brag again...

Tomorrow I'll walk out of Walgreens only paying $3.25 for
2 3-paks of Scotch tape
2 boxes of Kellogg's cereal
1 Reynold's Wrap Foil
2 Jars Ragu Pasta Sauce
Update: Walgreens was sold out of Scotch tape, but I got everything else! I'll check at another Walgreens later this week.

I'll also go to Dillon's...
I'll get:
2 3-paks of Fleischman's yeast so I can make homemade bread
2 boxes Celestial Seasonings tea (20 ct. box)
After my coupons I'll actually be paid 30 cents just for shopping there!
Of course they won't actually pay me and I have to buy a snack for David's etiquette banquet, but hey, FREE is always good! I'll buy David's stuff (yes, I have coupons for that too) and walk out of Dillons with 4 free items.
The best part is that both of these stores aren't out of my way at all. I'll take the kids to school and stop at both places on the way home....both on the same street!

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