Friday, March 27, 2009

Emalee's 2nd Gotcha Day!!!

Today is Emalee's 2nd Gotcha Day! I can't believe that it's been 2 whole years since I was handed a beautiful bundle of Korean baby girl joy to take home! We waited 2 1/2 years to get to that seemed like an eternity!
I was thinking this morning of how our wait seemed like forever. There were so many friends that stood by us encouraging us the whole entire process. There were also many people in our life that just didn't understand why we were adopting a child at all...especially when we had two kids already. They also didn't understand why in the world we'd go to another country to adopt.
There was one particular day when I was feeling somewhat discouraged after some negative remarks that I had heard concerning our adoption. I knew in my heart that the Lord called us to adopt. I knew in my heart where our daughter was. I knew in my heart that this was real, but so many voices kept saying things to the contrary.
It's amazing how in times like these the Enemy comes in trying to "kill, steal, and destroy" God's perfect plan.
As I was driving home that day, I turned the radio on 88.3 The Wind FM. All of the sudden I heard the most beautiful words....

"...and the voice of Truth tells me a different story, and the voice of Truth says do not be afraid, and the voice of Truth says this is for My glory...out of all the voices calling out to me, I will choose to listen and believe the Voice of Truth." ~Mercy Me "The Voice of Truth"

Wow! Just what I needed and just at the right time the Lord spoke reminding me that His voice, His Word, is the Truth. It's the only Voice I'm to listen to and obey. What a comfort to have Him speak Truth over me, confirming in my spirit what He had previously instructed me to do. He's such a good God!

I pray that as Emalee grows up into a young lady that she can look back and see a beautiful tapestry that the Lord has made of her life and I'm so grateful that I get the priviledge of being a part of it!


Anonymous said...

That was beautifully written Heather! It did seem like forever, but now you've had her two years! Wow, it just doesn't seem like it's been that long. I'm glad you listened and believed!!
Love you!
Hannah S.

Heather said...

Thanks for being right there with me Hannah! Friends like you are the ones that helped the "wait" go by so much easier.

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! Happy 2nd Gotcha day!!!
