Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I'm so excited...Tomorrow morning Emalee and I are heading to Tulsa, OK. to attend Korean Heritage Camp provided by our adoption agency. This will be our first year attending. Camp is a really neat experience, not only for the adopted children, but for their siblings and parents as well. Campers get to experience several different area of Korean culture. There are games, crafts, history classes, etc. that are taught. It's all led by parent volunteers. I'm helping in the Famous Korean's History class. Emalee will be in the nursery during the times that I teach and during a class that I'm taking.
Parents are offered a few classes to take as well. I can't remember all of the classes, but I do remember that there's a Korean cooking class offered. I wish I could take it, but couldn't work it into my schedule. I am attending a seminar led by two Korean Birth Mother's. They'll be talking about their side of adoption, share their adoption story, how they think, what they feel, etc. I'm sure that will be very interesting and eye-opening to us adoptive parents. This will be their first time in America...the place that their children are now living. It's sure to be quite an experienc for these two ladies as well.
When I was in the adoption process I was on a forum through our agency. Six of us mom's decided to break off the forum and start our own little group. We've emailed eachother EVERY day since mid-2004. We've grown very close to eachother during this time. It's been nice to have other mom's to talk to about issues that sometimes other people just wouldn't understand. I got the opportunity to meet one of my friends as we both traveled to get our babies at the same time. I've never met the other four. We're all getting together on Thursday evening for dinner and a visit. I'll be rooming with one of them and her daughter too. This is probably the most exciting part of the trip. To finally meet my dear friends in person.
Please pray for travel safety for us. I haven't traveled by myself w/a little one that far in quite a while! Also please pray that Emalee will be a good little girl while we're there and gets her sleep when it's time : )
Saturday evening Brian, David and Jacob are driving down to meet up with us girls. We're going to have a mini-vacation in Tulsa and return on Monday evening. It sure to be a weekend full of fun!

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