Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Freezer cooking day, garage sale and fever!!!

This morning I cooked up some chili, mini meatloaves and 2 gallons of potato soup to put in the freezer for future dinners (I'll post pics). Emalee played with playdough while I cooked. I had just finished up making Emalee's lunch when I bent down to kiss her. Her forehead was burning up so I took her temperature...102.6 degrees!!! She's up from her nap (if you want to call it that) now and seems to be acting okay, just hot. I'll keep an eye on her for a couple days to make sure she's fine.
I had planned on pricing my garage sale items while Emalee napped but her nap wasn't very productive. Mostly, she rested, looked at books and sometimes whined a little bit. I would too if I were sick ; ( I guess I'll price stuff later this evening.
At least dinner's done!!! : ) Yay for freezer meals! Tomorrow I'll be making Chicken and Tuna Tetrazzini, Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, Apple Cake, and Banana Bread and French Toast. I'll try to remember to post pics tomorrow too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Emalee! Glad she is better now! Hi Emalee!!!! Laura