Saturday, January 30, 2010

Another song...

These are some of my very favorite songs sung by my very favorite singer, Dennis Jernigan. He used to come to my college, SBU, every semester and do a concert. It wasn't a typical concert though, it always wound up being more of a worship experience. I'm grateful for the many worship/praise songs of Dennis' that I've been able to hear and sing over the past several years.

I'm sure I'll add to this list over the next several days but these two songs are very special during this time in my life. The first one makes me think about my pastor who is fighting a progressive lung disease right now. He's taught me so much, has pushed me to be more like Jesus and has always spoken truth into my life and the lives of those he's touched...He is one of my hero's. There are many hero's in my life, but this song I dedicate to Pastor Craig Fields. Thank you Craig, for loving JABC. We love you, too!

The second song is a favorite of mine. When I just need to be still this is the song that I listen to. Sometimes I just need Jesus to hold me and I often forget that if I'd be still long enough He's always there to wrap His arms around me, comfort me and give me peace. (You Are My Hero) (If I Could Just Sit With You Awhile)

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