Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My thoughts on being prepared in season and out of season...

II Timothy 2:4 Preach the word, be ready in season and out of season..."

Okay, many of us know that this verse deals with Paul writing Timothy and giving him instructions to be ready/prepared to share the gospel during any season of life Timothy is in.

I'm not one to twist Scripture so please understand that I'm not saying that this verse means anything different than what God intended for it to say.

HOWEVER...I find it to be a really cool thing when I read a verse and then starting thinking about other things in my life that I could apply it to...I believe that when that happens it is the Holy Spririt teaching me something new...that's what I'm going to ramble about today.

I've cooked 2 1/2 dozen pancakes, 30 Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins and 30 Banana Bread muffins today. I have a bunch of other things on my list to get baked too. I try to keep a little bit of a stockpile of food in my freezer and pantry. For the most part I do this to help myself out when I need something quick to make or for those lazy days that I don't feel like cooking. It not only saves me time, but money too because I'm not as tempted to run out and get fast food.

The pancakes and muffins are going to be froze so that my parents will have access to them while I'm in Cincinnati. I never even thought of this verse meaning that I, as a wife & mother, need to prepare things for my home! I'm usually "in season" around here, but there are times in life that we are all "out of season." Going to a hospital in Cincinnati for 5 days is not a part of my usual agenda and is definitely an "out of season" time of life. I was trying to think of other times in our lives that are "out of season." Having an illness, having a baby, going to out of town meetings, etc.
I think that baking or cooking meals and snacks ahead of time is a wonderful way to let our family know that we love them and are thinking about them....in my case it's helpful to my parents too since they'll be watching the kids for me.

So, what do you do to help your family or yourself out for those "out of season" times? Please leave me a comment sharing your ideas.

Incase you're wondering these are the other things I plan to bake & freeze over the next few days...

French Toast
Zuccini Bread Muffins
Blueberry Muffins
Pizza Crust
Maybe a casserole or two!


Anonymous said...

Hmmm..my out of season time seems to be 90% of my time lately! LOL! Really though, I have been cooking a little in bulk on my good days and freezing it. Then I make sure that I keep up my housework as I feel good; and before Wednesday that I have it completely done as well as laundry before I start my mtx. That's is really about it. Oh yes, and I save change like crazy in my coffee can. It doesn't seem like much, but while not working right now it feels good to build up enough change to say hey, here is $5 or whatever for what is needed! ***Even though it came from the pockets of those who did not clean them out before laundry! :)

Great post Heather! Love you!


Heather said...

Saving change in your coffee can from those that didn't bother to clean out their pockets...hmmm...great idea, Laura! I'll have to remember that one!

Anonymous said...

Out of season for me is taking off almost a week of work to get to stay with my grandchildren (what a sacrifice:)!!!
And as for the food YUM except did I see the word brownies written anywhere? Just kiddin!!!!
Love ya so much, Mom

Heather said...

Just FYI, mom....there are brownie mixes downstairs on the shelf next to the deep freeze. Help yourself! ;)