Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I had one of those "out of the box" moments a couple Sundays ago that I want to share. For those of you that aren't aware, my Pastor is battling a terminal lung disease. He needs a lung transplant sometime this spring or early summer in order to live. It's been a very bitter-sweet time for our church family, but I believe that we're growing because of it.

We had communion a couple weeks ago. My youngest son, Jacob, decided to take part in this service. Since he's fairly new to taking part in communion he had tons of questions as the deacons and elders were passing out the little crackers and the grape juice. When it came time to eat the crackers Jacob didn't see the deacons eating. Jacob is still short enough that he couldn't see over the congregation very well. He was concerned that they didn't get to have some crackers. (My husband is a deacon so I'm sure he just wanted to make sure that his daddy would get some!) I was explaining to him that the Pastor had passed out the crackers to the deacons & elders and to watch in a few minutes and he would see that our Pastor would do the same thing with the juice.

Just then, at that moment, when our Pastor passed out the juice to his deacons and elders the Lord did something miraculous... Let me pause here to say this...I love it when He, the King of all Kings, reaches into the innermost being of my heart and speaks to me!... I sat and watched our Pastor serve his sheep. A moment of bitter-sweetness welled up in my heart as I wondered if this would be my Pastor's last time to serve his deacons and elders. I wondered what he was thinking, what he was feeling. I wondered if the rest of the congregation was thinking this same thing. Then my thoughts turned to my Savior, Jesus. I began to think of the Last Supper. For the first time since I've taken part of communion I wondered what Jesus was feeling, what He was thinking, as He served His disciples. He knew that one would betray him, He knew that one would deny Him 3 times, He knew that this would be one of the last intimate moments that they would have together, yet he embraced the moment, loved them and served them anyway. He not only served them by giving them bread and wine on that day, but he gave His body and His blood so that they.. so that WE could have an eternal relationship with Him.
Two weeks later I'm still thinking about what I witnessed on that day. I'm so thankful that the Lord gave me eyes to see something knew. I'm so thankful that He chose to serve me too!
Matthew 20:28...."the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Thank you, Jesus!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this Heather. I'm crying as I picture it. I know how seriously Craig takes Communion, and while the focus wasn't on him, God used the circumstances to speak to you and give you a deeper understanding of what it's all about. Which helps me to do the same. So, thank you!
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Speechless. Thanks for sharing!