Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Biblical Womanhood Chapter 1

As mentioned in my previous entry, I'm reading a book and doing a review on it. I've read this entire book already, but have been thinking about what to write for each chapter. My review of chapter one is short and sweet.
The author opens the chapter by making this assumption...wimpy theology makes wimpy women.
Wimpy theology simply does not give a woman a God that is big enough, strong enough, wise enough, and good enough to handle the realities of life in a way that magnifies the infinite worth of Jesus Christ. Wimpy theology is plagued by woman-centeredness and man-centeredness. Wimpy theology doesn't have the granite foundation of God's sovereignty or the solid steel structure of a great God-centered purpose for all things.

In the beginning of this chapter the author gave a few examples of what wimpy theology is NOT. My only complaint is that I wish he would have given a few examples of what wimpy theology actually is and what it looks like.
It is my opinion that wimpy theology is anything we do that waters down God's Word to make it fit what we want it to say. I've been in a few churches that would, sadly, fit this description. These are the kind of churches that you get one of the "feel good" sermons from and very rarely hear more than a few verses from the Bible read. This type of theology also does not challenge you to become more in Christ. This wimpy theology leads people astray...normally straight to hell...all the while they are doing their good works and deeds. I know that may sound harsh to some, but that's truly how I feel...and this is my review and my blog! LOL!

Now, how does this fit into Biblical Womanhood??? The author states this...God's ultimate purpose for the universe and for all of history and for your life is to display the glory of Christ in its highest expression, namely, in His dying to make a rebellious people His everlasting and supremely happy bride. He created us as male and female precisely so that we could display the glory of His Son.
God created male and female to display more fully the glory of His Son in relation to His blood-bought bride. Therefore, true womanhood is a distinctive calling of God to display the glory of His Son in ways that would not be displayed if there were no womanhood.
Don't buy into the ways of the world. Remember from the introduction that there are many voices calling out to us trying to get our attention? Listen to the Voice of Truth! How??? Dive into His Word. Read it, study it, learn from Him. This is NOT wimpy theology!

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