Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sweatin' With A Smile On!!!

Earlier this month our church had Vacation Bible School. As we were driving home one day in 100+ degree weather Jacob said to me..."Mom, I'm sweatin'." Then after a few seconds I heard him say, "But I'm doin' it with a smile on!" I said, "Why are you smiling?" He said, "'Cause I'm mad about it, but I don't want to be mad, so I'm gonna smile!"

Out of the mouth of babes! How many lessons we could learn from our children if we just take time to listen. It's taken me a few weeks to mull over this conversation with him. I've just started studying the book of James and interestingly enough in chapter 1 vs. 2 it says, "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials...."

I have a very good teacher/friend at my church that has taught me to be deliberate in my thinking. I think that is just what Jacob did that hot summer day. He could have been mad about his situation, but he made the deliberate choice to take control of his emotions. He "considered it all joy" instead. I hope that the next time I encounter a trial I can remember to apply this lesson.


Anonymous said...

Love it! Very sweet.


Anonymous said...

Jakie is a very unique and wise young man. Deep thinker too not to mention the most funny dry sense of humor I have ever encountered. We can all learn from him ! Namaw