Thursday, August 6, 2009

A no-computer week....not by choice...

Well, my computer monitor finally bit the dust! I haven't been online in several days. Do I miss it? Yes, but not as much as I thought I would. The boys start school next week, they had dentist appointments this week and we've also been getting the clothes and school supplies bought this week. It's been a busy time! On top of all of that we decided to refinance our mortgage and the appraisal was today.

We have a friend that's giving us a monitor so hopefully we'll get it soon and be back up online. Until then....I'm checking out! I'll leave you with the things that I've done or will do this week....

For Today...
I took the kids to the dentist.
I am thinking...
I'm glad Brian is home from work.
I am thankful for...
my mom that babysat Emalee today.
In the kitchen...
chicken spaghetti.
I am creating...
a new budget.
I am going...
to have friend over for dinner Saturday night.
I am reading...
Dave Ramsey's "Financial Peace."
I am hoping...
that the squirrels will stop eating my tomatoes!!!
I am hearing...
Emalee throwing a fit in the, this is why I'm thankful that Brian's home : )
Around the house...
preparing for a garage sale.
One of my favorite things...
comfy pajama pants.
Plans for the rest of the week...
Meet the Teacher night at school, dinner with friends.

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